Ø Windows 7 SP1 (Update File Property at TagRename) L Create numbered object(sized file/folder) Ø Specify date/time, Shift, Random generate, Make the Same. L Modify object (file/folder) attributes and time-stamps. Ø File-property information (Added tags by Shell Extensions are also Ø ID3(MP3/WMA/APE/MPC/OGG), EXIF, IPTC, Document(MS-Office(also 2007)/PDF), L Rename (Copy/Move) using tag information. Ø Other flexible rename using pattern matching. Ø Translate Letters (upper/lower-case, capitalize) Ø Remove a Number or a String(Shortcut to, Copy (n) of,, (n)), Supported

Ø Insert a Number or a String(the file's Timestamp/Folder name) L Rename (Copy/Move/Create shortcut/Create hardlink) object (file/folder). L Saving search/replace settings by Preset function. L Consecutive numbers to every classified group (folder, date, tag). L Distribute into the folder by using relative path. L Copy (Move) & Rename to another folder. L Designed for processing a large quantity of files.

L Sub-directories process-able recursively. L Multiple file-filter, Real-time preview, Undo. L Wildcard or Regular-Expression (Perl Compatible) for substitution of file name. L UNICODE strings (Japanese/Chinese/Korean/German/French, etc.) supported (New!!) Which can use Wildcard or Regular-Expression, Tag-information (MP3, EXIF) and