Name of hotel, contact address, phone number, email address, fax number and any other available contact information.Company logo, mission and any other branding portfolio.Most hotels prefer cash payment or payment through card (Credit or Debit Cards).Ī standard hotel invoice or hotel bill should contain the following information: This hotel invoice would usually contain the name of the guest lodging, the services they have subscribed to, the respective costs of these services and the hotel’s accepted payment methods. In many climes, hotels are usually charged special taxes by the local government, most of which are usually passed on to the hotel guests. Or do they? The proper channel to let them know the costs of rooms, and the other extras they may be getting (gym and massage services) is providing them with an invoice.Ī hotel room invoice is a slip handed out to hotel guests at the beginning or end of their stay itemizing the food services available and the cost of parking, lodging, feeding, WiFi and any other luxury offers.

One of the ultimate goals of every hotel is creating for their guests a cozy atmosphere that feels like home away from home.